hey guyss (:
i'm actually posting at this moment to avoid a 100 page history study guide...
(more like 2. lol.)

but..have you ever heard a song that just makes you feel all warm and fuzzy?
yeah.....that happened to me a couple days ago.
so my dad was driving me from the homecoming game and i'm listening to the radio.
and a song titled "fireflies" comes on. and i'm like hmm, this is new.
and it's AMAZING! i could not have imagined a more adorable song.
like...it's hard to describe. it makes my skin tingle with happiness (: !
ahahah. but seriously, it's that great.
and the artist was owl city. and i was like what the heckk...?
new person...i must know them! so i look them up on youtube.
well, him, because it's only one person..
and his name is adam young.
and he's truly amazing, like his songs.
my favorite happens to be vanilla twilight, fyi (:
but i HIGHLY recommend them, and you should look HIM up!
eh, i'll do it for you. listen to this!
is it not amazingly sweet?
it is, it is.
so my question...
what is your favorite band at the moment?
tell me in a comment (: !