Wednesday, August 19, 2009


school just started for us..and you too, no?
well. there's this magical class i got into.
it's called FACS. (a.k.a. family and consumer science)
so basically it's a home ec. class where you cook and sew things.
no babies yet.
it's only the second day of school and almost alll the guys have gotten yelled at by our teacher.
so my teacher, mrs.butler, decided to do an "immaturity test".
she says, "you can tell that your class is immature if they laugh at balls, chopped nuts-"
and our class starts cracking up.
it's not the fact that we're immature, it's just hilarious that she tried that on us.
our class laughs at anything...anything.
so there's really no accurate test.

and my core teachers all have something...well, different about them.
my language teacher is obsessed with germ-x.
my science teacher has the worst twitch.
my history teacher has a cardboard barack obama right behind me.
my gym teacher has "can't open his stuff in front of the class.."
my math teacher uses the word "cutesey"...and he's a guy.

yeah. i'm sure you guys have some dilema with school.
What's your craziest school situation right now?
post your anwser in a comment !



  1. HAHAHAHAH. i freakin' love our class.

  2. my history teacher has a cardboard barack obama right behind me.
    Some supporter, huh?

  3. lol! i'm so down with obama being president. he just scares me! like, everytime i turn around, he's staring at me. not a good scene!
